Every year the school shopping items get more impressive. This year is no exception. From the jumbo erasers to the Lego pencil sharpeners - things are interesting. I was pleasantly shocked to see school items at Old Navy. They had tin lunch boxes (priced around $5), which I thought was interesting. Very retro! The coolest item was a Lego pencil sharpener I found in the front of the store near the registers while I waited in line.
Thought I'd share some great coupon codes for school supplies and other neat school ideas.
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The other store that was featuring some cool (I checked with tweens and teenagers) school items were Barnes and Noble. They have these huge erasors with the words - "FOR BIG MISTAKES" on them or other jumbo erasors in the shape of owls, ice cream cones, and more that were approximately the same size as my smartphone. They also had these neat packs of 5 small highlighters that are scented for only 3.95. The bookmarker pens are a neat idea to have bc you have a pen and a bookmark in one school supply. The Barnes and Noble that I was at had bookmarker pens with butterflies, days of the week and in primary colors.
Officemax has some great promotions going on and always have a great selection of school supplies including binders and folders. For Officemax deals check out the links below.
Many thanks for this brilliant post! Many points have extremely useful. Hopefully you'll continue sharing your knowledge around.education resources
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your reply. My apologies for not responding sooner. I have been very busy building Autism Parenting Magazine with my business partner and speaking to raise Autism Awareness. I'm glad that you found this useful.
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